Surrendering a Bunny
We are only able to take in bunnies who were adopted from Tranquility Trail Animal Sanctuary. Unfortunately, we are over capacity with a one year waiting list for intake requests for bunnies not adopted from Tranquility Trail. Each year, we receive over 1600 intake requests. Bunnies are the 3rd most surrendered animal in the shelter system and have very few resources.
Tranquility Trail Bunnies:
If you adopted your bunny from Tranquility Trail, you are required, per your adoption contract, to return the bunny to Tranquility Trail if you can no longer care for them. Please call 480-406-7301 and we will arrange for pick up immediately.

Wild Rabbits
If you found a stray or injured WILD RABBIT, please contact Liberty Wildlife @

Stray Rabbits
If you found a stray domestic rabbit, please contact the Arizona Humane Society @

Owner Surrender
If you wish you surrender a rabbit that was not adopted from Tranquility Trail, the only shelter that currently has space is the Arizona Humane Society. Tranquility Trail is currently unable to take in any rabbits that were not adopted from our sanctuary.